And somehow, a lot of times it’s easier to make it casual. And to just let them know without a big conversation. So even if you don’t have a ton of money, take a little bit, take a little bit of that money you’re saving, not drinking, and please take it towards sober treat, because they’re important. You don’t want to sit there surrounded by alcohol in your home and drinkers and just sip on water.

Steps to Breaking Your 'After Work Drink' Habit

And, day by day, as the anxiety returns, it may become more intense, which can lead people to drink more heavily. “Having one glass of wine started to not provide the same effect that I was looking [for],” says listener Ash Weber. “I suppose [it was a] growing intolerance and needing more than two glasses to feel the warm and fuzzies.” Everyone has habits, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with them.

Day Intensive Coaching

And then you can also make it satisfying for other milestones. If they’re not a big drinker, or they don’t usually buy wine there, that doesn’t trigger a craving to go buy wine. They’re simply driving down the road going north.

Like any habit, there will be clear triggers that signify to you that it’s time for a drink. The trigger can be the time of day, day of week, another part of your normal routine (such as coming home from work) or certain people or places. The whole point of habits is that they bypass conscious thought so you don’t have to think about them.

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It could be preparing a fancy coffee after lunch or taking time out to have a dessert. Visualization is a hugely powerful tool and one we work on a lot in the program, so imagining yourself going about your evening alcohol free and clear headed is great motivation and will help you get your head straight. There’s nothing wrong with going out with your workmates and giving alcohol a miss. Stick to soft drinks or non-alcohol mocktails and you’ll stay on top of all the conversations as well as, save money and make it into work the next morning.

  • The cue and reward stay the same, but the ritual changes.
  • The Sobriety Starter Kit is the online self-study, sober coaching course, that will help you quit drinking and build a life you love without alcohol.
  • So, if you’re drinking, and you want to stop drinking, and you know that feeling like crap, and letting yourself down daily, that isn’t what you want.
  • Still, by setting clear expectations and boundaries with staff, HR can play a role in curbing destructive drinking behaviors.
  • It’s important to understand the issues that can come with drinking after work and when it’s time to stop.
  • But the study revealed the average after-work booze session lasts almost two hours, adding substantially to an already-long day on the job.

It’s not HRs responsibility to control what employees do after hours. Still, by setting clear expectations and boundaries with staff, HR can play a role in curbing destructive drinking behaviors. I’m sure many people are saying, “What’s the big deal? ” People have been grabbing drinks with colleagues for years. But the study revealed the average after-work booze session lasts almost two hours, adding substantially to an already-long day on the job.

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However, drinking after work can have hidden dangers, regardless of your profession. In honor of Labor Day, we’ll be exploring the dangers of drinking after work. To many, alcohol is an easy way to relax after a stressful day. You may find yourself pouring a drink after work because work is very stressful for many people regardless of the occupation. Yes, alcohol may seem like an easy way to relax but it is certainly not the best way.

But, don’t do something you wouldn’t normally do and don’t feel you have to start a new sport, join a class or tackle the garage unless you want to. Taking on too much or forcing yourself to be someone you are not will cause unnecessary drinking after work overwhelm and make you feel depressed or resentful. Recognise the need and think what else will relax me or act as a break between my two roles? It could be 5 minutes quiet time on the couch or a quick breathing exercise.

Where to Start

And despite your best efforts, and you keep going back to the old habits that are dragging you down, you are living a life where you are constantly letting yourself down, and it sucks. But here’s the thing, it’s not your fault, you’ve just been going about making a behavior change, making a behavior change that’s actually sustainable in all the wrong ways. Instead of staying on your couch where you want to drink.

Steps to Breaking Your 'After Work Drink' Habit